At the Carter School, our students are our greatest legacy. We educate individuals from around the world at all stages of their careers, whether they are just beginning or are seeking to grow peacebuilding networks and skills. Our students are part of a vibrant, dynamic, and diverse community, and we strive to offer them with the academic and professional resources needed to turn unique skills and callings into conflict resolution capability at the interpersonal, community, national, and global levels.
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Build a welcoming community of inclusiveness and leadership for new students of all levels.
Scholarships, fellowships, and grants are available to support our students' cutting-edge scholarship, research, and practice.
With study abroad opportunities, our students learn from individuals and communities peacefully resolving conflict around the world.
Learn more about how we can support your studies at the Carter School by connecting you with school-wide opportunities and communities.
Our proximity to Washington, D.C., gives our students opportunities to intern at government agencies, NGOs, and media organizations.
Our interdiscplinary curriculum allows peacemakers and conflict resolvers to learn from our distinguished faculty and each other.
Our students' innovative research enriches our understanding of the dynamics of conflict and the myriad approaches to peaceful resolution.
We hold special events at the end of the fall and spring semesters to celebrate our graduates.
The John Burton Library in Vernon Smith Hall in Mason Square in Arlington provides resources for knowledge sharing and community building.
We are dedicated to supporting our international students as they successfully navigate their studies.